Monthly Live Zoom Calls Support For Kickstart Bundle

$37 $17 per month

(Monthly recurring fee and you can terminate the live support anytime. Just email [email protected])

The Monthly Live Zoom Calls Support includes:

  • A Growth Plan and Progress Tracking Sheet that you can use to track the progress in your EVENTrepreneur journey. No more wondering what to do, when to do and how to do. This comes with the $17 Monthly LIVE Group ZOOM Calls Support.

  • 3 LIVE Co-Working sessions a month inside Zoom where we work on: Style Shoots, Sales & Marketing Strategies, Content Strategies for Social Media and Website, Business Financials, Business Legalities, Crafting A CEO schedule for a balanced lifestyle. 

  • Once a month LIVE group call on personal development. Each month, there will be a new topic to be discussed. Remember, before your business can grow, YOU must grow FIRST.

  • Access to the Private Unstoppable Eventrepreneurs Incubator Facebook Group. Ask questions and connect with other members

The Business Kickstart Bundle Gives You The Strategies & Tactics.

The Live Zoom Calls Support Gives You Implementation Accountability So You Can Get Results Faster!

Get Your LIVE Zoom Calls Support Today!
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The Live Zoom Calls Support is a monthly recurring fee. To cancel the live support, please email [email protected].